Kuanzia mwanzo ESSA imekuwa ikishirikiana na washirika wa ndani na nje ya Afrika ambao wanashiriki maono na imani yetu kwamba kwa kufanya kazi pamoja kila mmoja wetu atafanikiwa zaidi katika kufanikisha malengo yetu

Ashesi is increasingly recognised as one of the finest universities in Africa, with an educational experience proven to prepare students for successful lives and careers.
Ashesi has partnered with ESSA through ESSA’s paid internships for African students, giving them the opportunity to fully take part in a number of educational projects.

Atelier de Recherche sur l’Education au Burkina Faso (AREB) ni Mradi ya kujiunga na watafiti wa elimu wa Bukinafaso na kutoa fursa za mazungumzo pamoja na watunga sera nchini humo. ESSA imefurahia kusaidia kazi ya AREB kwa kuunga mkono kongamano lao "L’éducation au Burkina Faso: progrès, défis actuels et perspectives" la mwezi Novemba 2017

Decent Jobs for Youth was launched in 2016 as a UN system-wide effort, focusing on the youth employment challenge that is central to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
They work together to share knowledge, leverage resources and take action at country and regional level, to support young people in accessing decent work and productive employment worldwide.
eBASE Africa is an international charity registered in Cameroon working to make basic services more effective by ensuring best available research evidence is applied in service delivery.
We have been working with eBase on a data alliance for education, making the best use of data to improve education in sub-Saharan Africa.

The Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) is an agency of the Ghana mandated to assure quality at the tertiary education level.
GTEC is ESSA’s first government partner for the pilot on “Demographics of Faculty”.

The Inter University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) was established in 1980, originally called the Inter University Committee. IUCEA is hosted in Kampala, Uganda with its main objective being to facilitate networking among universities in East Africa, and with universities outside the region.
IUCEA works with ESSA on the Demographic of Faculty initiative.

Mtandao wa sera na ushirikiano wa kimataifa katika elimu na mafunzo (NORRAG) jukumu lake kuu ni kuzalisha, kusambaza na kutoa maarifa muhimu na kujenga uwezo kwa ajili ya na pamoja na wadau mbalimbali. Wadau hawa wanatengeneza na kubuni sera na mazoea ya elimu, katika ngazi za kitaifa na kimataifa.
NORRAG na ESSA wameungana na AFD ili kusaidia utafiti kuhusu elimu barabi Afrika Magharibi ya Frankofoni, hasa Bukina Faso. Mkurugenzi wa ESSA pia amezungumza katika kikao cha kimataifa cha NORRAG kuhusu "Utoaji Misaada katika Elimu: Mitingo ya Ulimwengu, Tofauti za Kikanda na Mitazamo Tofauti" mwezi Novemba 2017, mjini Geneva, Uswisi.
Mtandao wa sera na ushirikiano wa kimataifa katika elimu na mafunzo (NORRAG)

The Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR) is an independent, non-partisan pan-African not-for-profit organisation working to enhance research excellence in governance and public policy that contributes to the overall wellbeing of women and men.

Quilt.AI is a technology organisation that creates empathy at scale between organisations and the billions of people on the planet.
ESSA worked with Quilt.AI in developing a digital analysis to understand students' views on scholarships and faculty motivations and challenges in sub-Saharan Africa.

Kituo cha Utafiti wa Ufikiaji Sawa na Mafunzo (Kituo cha REAL) ni mojawapo ya taasisi kuu ulimwenguni za utafiti kuhusu elimu, kilichoko katika mojawapo ya vyuo vikuu vikuu zaidi duniani. Misheni ya Chuo Kikuu cha Cambridge ni kuchangia kwa jamii kwa njia ya kutafuta elimu, kujifunza na utafiti katika ngazi za juu zaidi kimataifa za ubora. Vipaumbele vya Kituo cha REAL vinaambatana na, na kuchangia kwenye, mkakati wa kimataifa wa Chuo Kikuu hiki.
Kitivo cha Elimu ni muhimu kwa misheni ya Chuo Kikuu na kila wakati kinapata matokeo bora. Matokeo ya mafundisho na utafiti wake thabiti ni athari kubwa ulimwenguni na wasomi wake wanashauri serikali mbalimbali kote duniani kuhusu sera na miradi yake ya ushirikiano ya kimataifa inayoathiri mabadiliko mashinani.
Kituo cha REAL kinatumia rekodi hii nzuri, na kuunganisha na kuimarisha uwezo wa Kitivo na kuunda utaalamu umuhimu katika elimu na maendeleo ya kimataifa ili kuendeleza ajenda yake. Inajenga juu ya kazi muhimu iliyofanyika hapo awali chini ya Kituo cha Elimu ya Jumuiya ya Madola na Kituo cha Elimu na Maendeleo ya Kimataifa (CEID), hasa mpango wa RECOUP.
Kituo cha Utafiti wa Ufikiaji Sawa na Mafunzo (Kituo cha REAL)

AAU ni mmoja wa washirika muhimu katika elimu ya juu barani Afrika. Ikiwa na zaidi ya wanachama 400, misheni yake ni kuongeza ubora na umuhimu wa elimu ya juu barani Afrika na kuimarisha mchango wake katika maendeleo ya Afrika.
Kutoka makao yake makuu nchini Ghana, AAU inahudumu kama jukwaa la Vyuo Vikuu vya Afrika kushirikiana katika utafiti na kutafakari na kushauriana juu ya masuala ya Elimu ya Juu. Ina uwezo wa kipekee wa kuungana na kuwasiliana na viongozi wa taasisi na watunga sera kutoka sehemu zote za Afrika.
AAU iliunda ushirikiano na ESSA mwaka 2017 na tumekuwa tukifanya kazi pamoja katika miradi mbalimbali, hasa "Demografia za Kitivo" na kuundwa kwa "Bodi ya Kazi za Usomi ya Pan-Afrika". AAU pia iliipa ESSA jukumu kubwa katika kongamano lake la 2017 la Maadhimisho ya Miaka 50 mjini Accra, katika kupanua mtandao wa ESSA na sifa katika hatua ya mwanzo katika maendeleo yake.
"ESSA ni mshirika mkuu kwa AAU na ninafurahia sana mawazo yao safi, mkabala thabiti na njia yao ya ushirikiano ya kufanya kazi. 'Kuunganisha' ni sehemu ya DNA yao!"
Prof. Etienne Ahile, Katibu Mkuu, Chama cha Vyuo vikuu vya Afrika

In 2017, Ashesi University started the Education Collaborative initiative. The initiative leads a collaborative of Higher Learning Institutions in Africa to collectively and sustainably raise the bar for higher education outcomes.

Chuo Kikuu cha Jacobs ni chuo kikuu cha lugha ya Kiingereza, kinachotoa viwango vya juu zaidi katika utafiti na mafundisho, kilichoko mjini Bremen, Ujerumani. Ina wanachama wengi ambao ni wanafunzi Waafrika kutoka nchi na asili mbalimbali.
Chuo Kikuu cha Jacobs kimeshirikiana na ESSA kwa njia kadhaa ikijumuisha warsha pamoja na wanafunzi wake Waafrika, miradi iliyolipwa ili kusaidia shughuli zetu za mitandao ya kijamii.
"Tumekuwa tukifanya kazi pamoja na ESSA kwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja sasa, hasa katika miradi ya wanafunzi, na kuwaruhusu wanafunzi Waafrika kutoka Chuo Kikuu cha Jacobs kuwa sehemu ya kazi nzuri ya ESSA kuhusu elimu. Tunathamini sana kwamba ESSA inawaweka vijana Waafrika katika kitovu cha yote wanayofanya."
Tanja Woebs, Afisa wa Uhusiano wa Kampuni na Mipango ya Talanta, Suluhu za Biashara, Chuo Kikuu cha Jacobs

Ofisi ya Idadi ya Watu (PRB), mjini Washington DC, ni mojawapo ya taasisi za kidemografia zinazoongoza duniani. Inawafahamisha watu kote duniani kuhusu idadi ya watu, afya, na mazingira, na kuwawezesha kutumia taarifa hiyo ili kuendeleza ustawi wa vizazi vya sasa na vijavyo. Bidhaa yake kuu ni Karatasi ya Takwimu za Idadi ya Watu Duniani.
PRB hufanya kazi na AAU pamoja na ESSA kwenye mradi wa Demografia ya Kitivo
"ESSA ina malengo makubwa ya kukabiliana na vikwazo vya utaratibu katika kuongeza faida katika uwekezaji unaofanywa kwenye elimu ya juu katika nchi za Afrika."
Jeff Jordan, Rais na Afisa Mkuu Mtendaji

The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), established by ten Vice Chancellors in 2004, is a consortium of 121 African universities operating within 38 countries spanning the African continent. The consortium will be a key partner for ESSA in the next phase of our strategy.
The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM).

Chuo Kikuu cha Warwick kimekuwa mshirika muhimu kwa ESSA, hata kabla haijaanzishwa. Kichocheo cha kuunda ESSA kilikuwa uzoefu wa mwanzilishi wake aliyekuwa mwanafunzi wa zamani wa Warwick, Patrick Dunne, katika kuanzisha na kukuza msaada mwingine pamoja na Warwick, Warwick barani Afrika (WIA). Tangu mwaka wa 2006 WIA imewafaidi zaidi ya vijana 465,000 Waafrika katika maeneo yaliyopunguzwa na ya mashinani kwa mafundisho ya Hisabati na Kiingereza. Warwick pia ilitoa msaada na hamasisho katika ushahidi wa kwanza wa utafiti wa dhana ya ESSA.
Tangu kuanzishwa kwa ESSA, Warwick imehusika moja kwa moja katika miradi mitatu muhimu:
Kama sehemu ya mbinu ya ESSA ya kuweka Waafrika kwenye kitovu cha yote ifanyayo, wanafunzi na walimu katika Warwick barani Afrika (link) wameshiriki katika msururu wa warsha kwa kipindi cha zaidi ya miaka miwili nchini Tanzania na Afrika Kusini. Warsha hizi hazijaimarisha mkakati na vipaumbele vya ESSA tu bali pia zimeongeza sauti imara ya Afrika.
Mradi wa Hali ya Takwimu wa ESSA unafaidika sana kutokana na jukumu la ushauri ambao Profesa Jane Hutton ni kucheza na hatimaye;
Tovuti ya kazi za kitaaluma ya Warwick Jobs.ac inashirikiana na Chama cha Vyuo Vikuu Afrika na ESSA ili kuunda bodi ya kazi ya kitaaluma za mtandaoni za Pan-Afrika.

Zizi Afrique Foundation consolidates evidence, innovate solutions through collaborative networking, shape policy and practice to equip all children and youth with competences for life and work.
We are working on a data alliance for education, ensuring that data is used to improve education in sub-Saharan Africa.
Current Funders
For over 20 years, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been committed to tackling the greatest inequities in our world.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided funding to ESSA to augment our work in promoting African researchers.

Carnegie Corporation of New York is one of America’s oldest grantmaking foundations that seeks to promote the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding.
ESSA together with IUCEA, AAU and PRB have secured $390,000 of funding from Carnegie Corporation of New York for a two-year research project focusing on understanding and addressing ‘faculty challenges’.

The EdTech Hub leads rigorous academic research and gives evidence-based advice about how to use technology in education.
We have been working with the EdTech Hub on a data alliance for education, making the best use of data to improve education in sub-Saharan Africa.

Imaginable Futures is a global philanthropic investment firm driven by impact first and the belief that learning is key to well-being and equitable, healthy systems.
Imaginable Futures has provided funding to ESSA to augment our work in promoting African researchers.

As part of Canada’s foreign affairs and development efforts, the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) champions and funds research and innovation within and alongside developing regions to drive global change.
ESSA has been supporting in IDRC's research particularly the IDRC-funded COVID-19 research in West Africa.

The Robert Bosch Stiftung is a leading European private foundation and ESSA’s major funder at start up.
The Bosch Foundation has also provided considerable non-financial support including seconding ESSA’s founding director, Olaf Hahn, providing board support through the trusteeship of their CEO as well as access to its broad network of relationships in Africa and around the world.
The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation is a family foundation established in 1944 to funds to nonprofit organisations working to improve the lives of individuals living in poverty and experiencing disadvantage throughout the world.
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation’s $1.5M commitment will support ESSA’s research project in collaboration with the Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre at the University of Cambridge, UK.
Previous Funders

Dubai Cares has been working towards providing children and young people in developing countries with access to quality education.
Dubai Cares partnered with ESSA in 2019, providing $1.5M to strengthen ESSA as an organisation and accelerate its vision of high-quality education in sub-Saharan Africa that enables young people to achieve their ambitions.

The Mastercard Foundation is one of the world’s leading foundations in the higher education space, with a strong presence in Africa especially in capacity building and scholarships. The Mastercard Foundation was a natural partner for ESSA on the “Demographics of Faculty” project providing funding for the Ghana pilot as well as other support and insights.

The Jacobs Foundation has a main focus on the promotion of child and youth development all over the world. Seeing the value of ESSA’s partnership with the REAL Centre at the University of Cambridge to promote African researchers, the Jacobs Foundation was a key funder of that work.
As a significant foundation in the education space, the Jacobs Foundation supported ESSA in building its profile and relationships in West Africa.

The Schaufler Foundation aims to combine entrepreneurship with science, research, education and the arts.
In the field of education, the foundation supports a variety of universities in Germany and collaborated with ESSA to expand its activities into Africa. The Schaufler Foundation contributed significantly to ESSA's Pilot Scholarship Impact Hub project.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organisation dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people.
UNHCR partnered with ESSA to map tertiary education and vocational opportunities in West and Central Africa.